Can I pick and choose what services I need?

Yes, this is an entirely bespoke service

Are your services more suited to a particular type of project 

No, we work across the entire spectrum of clients and projects. However, for very straightforward projects where a client has the confidence and time to participate, a very minimal advisory service measured in hours rather than days may suffice. The more complex the project or the client circumstances, the greater the need for Client Advisory support.

What is the first step?

A 1 hour ‘discovery’ consultation with your selected Client Adviser, with no obligation or charge, to determine your needs, after which we will provide a preliminary proposal. In order to make the most of this session, we will ask you to provide any relevant materials in advance.

How much will it cost?

We charge by the hour or day as appropriate, based on an overall estimate. If the task is not clear by the end of the discovery consultation, we will undertake short pieces of work for fixed fees until the scope and fee cost can be more clearly defined.

I already have a design architect, will there be a conflict?

Our Client Advisers maintain strong and respectful relationships with a wide variety of architectural practices. It is a fundamental principal of our service that we do not ‘design’, and in the vast majority of cases the design architect welcomes the clarity of briefing that a Client Adviser creates. Where the design architect is not familiar with Client Advisor role, we work with diplomacy to create positivity and ease in the clients team set up. 

How are you different from the product manager?

Client Adviser services are fully complementary to those of the project manager. We deal in matters of briefing and design strategy that project managers are not trained to undertake, and we are careful not to stray into areas of administration, implementation or management unless specifically requested to do so.

Is there an appointment document I can use?

Yes, it is published by the Royal Institute of British Architects. Professional Services Contract