Station Approach, Winchester

Sarah Williams
2015– ongoing

Winchester City Council


Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands

– Input into strategic briefing and procurement documents
– Design Competition panel member
– Detailed brief development
– Advice on the selection of designers and team members
– Design review and evaluation
– Regular reporting to offices and cabinet members
– Advice and council at all early project stages Viability input and business case planning 


Why was a Client Adviser required?

The project is a masterplan framework for the central area of Winchester and the development of a large site adjacent to the station. A Client Adviser was initially required to support an RIBA competition for this large mixed-use commercial project comprising offices, food and beverage, retail, public realm, car parking and ancillary accommodation. Prior to this, the original designs that had been developed following a competitive procedure had not been acceptable to the community and the procurement process had therefore been halted, requiring a new approach.

Ongoing services were required to provide impartial advice throughout the early design stages and to ensure accountability and transparency for the cabinet and council members . Also, the enhancement of client capacity and expertise was required for this historically difficult project, due,in part, to major stakeholder interest.


What value was created

A transparent and well organised two-stage competition process began the process of a wider consultation and inclusion in the procurement process for selecting the team. A wide variety of stakeholders formed part of the panel that inputed into the selection process. This resulted in the unanimous selection of a winning practice which was extremely helpful in establishing the ground work for the project, with everyone on side.

A detailed and robust brief was developed with a move away from the orginal extensive parking requirements to a more modest provision and therefore reducing the need for a denser built scheme, which had previously failed. The parking had been cited at the lower levels in a basement, due to the need to have active frontages at ground level. This increased the cost and therefore the requirement to provide more accommodation to make the scheme viable. Reduced parking meant reduced cost, a reduction in building density and a more sustainable development.

A successful consultation process was undertaken with a wide community of stakeholders. This was a key requirement of any new scheme to ensure a positive response to the project and to incorporate as many constructive comments as possible. A number of positive design reviews with external design panels were undertaken, resulting in only modest changes.

Effective communications between the architects and client team created a positive project environment where good progress was made. Regular reports to the members and cabinet enabled project progression to next stages and bolstered accountability and verification. Impartial day-to-day advice for the officers on all design matters promoted timely and sound decision-making.



As RIBA Client Advisor to Winchester City Council on the Station Approach project over the course of the last 2 years, Sarah Williams has provided the role of reassurance and technical oversight to the process of advising on the design competition, selection and appointment of design team, and continuing now with a reassurance role on the proposed scheme moving forward. She has particularly helped in advising on governance matters to ensure the scheme moves forward in an optimal way.Sarah’s professional manner, responsiveness and technical experience all give strong independent reassurance in the steps we are taking for a big project initiative which needs exactly the range of skill sets that Sarah so capably brings to the table, and provides invaluable, respected assistance to the Council.
— Ian Charie, Head of Programme, Winchester City Council
The counsel you provided for both the client and us was really important as, given the politics and controversy surrounding the scheme, it was sometimes hard for WCC or us to keep focus on the task in hand. That we all emerged from the process as colleagues and I think friends is testament to your work in the various meetings with cabinet and the station advisory groups plus your quiet efforts behind the scenes. Thank you once again for all your help in making this such an enjoyable and productive project
— Alex Lifschutz, Director, Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands

Commercial & Mixed Use Projects

Sarah Williams

Sarah's strategic design advisory skills have suppported central and local government and private clients in their leadership of singular and multi-million pound projects and programmes of work. As a highly experienced chair, executive director, architect and RIBA Client Adviser, Sarah has extensive client advisory skills in the public and private built environment sectors. An accredited and recognised expert in design, combining both a strategic and detailed understanding of buildings, programmes and development, Sarah is able to translate complex building issues into the language needed for stakeholders, client teams and the boardroom.

The Crown Estate, Regional Public Realm


New offices, research & outreach facility