The Crown Estate, Central London Public Realm
Sarah Williams
2018 – ongoing
The Crown Estate
– Development and drafting of strategic briefing
– Development and drafting of procurement documents
– Guidance and support for designers
– Facilitating workshops with client and design teams
– Detailed brief development
– Advice on the selection of designers and team members
– Design review and evaluation
– Regular reporting to senior team
– Advice and council at all early project stages
Why was a Client Adviser required?
The Client is reviewing their place shaping strategy in central London and required support and capacity to assist their urban designers and inhouse team with expertise from a built environment specialist. This was to ensure that the work being undertaken was holistically integrated; places, spaces, architecture, climate resilience, health and wellbeing and the changing market and was in alignment with their vision and objectives.
Ongoing services were required to provide impartial advice throughout the early stages to review and evaluate the urban design proposals and to ensure buy in from different parts of the business . Also, the enhancement of client capacity and expertise was required for this complex project. Once complete, a second stage of the project then required the selection of a world class team to progress concepts and ideas for this significant and important part of London.
What value was created
The client team were widely consulted resulting in an inclusive process to which the entire senior team contributed. Key workshops during the project were critical in establishing progress and Sarah, with the client, ensured that all material was on track and appropriate for the various stakeholders at key stages. A final report was produced by the urban designers that comprised an excellent analysis of issues and recommendations for the next stage of the process.
A robust brief and a series of documents were developed for the second stage and in readiness for an international competition. An overarching vision and objectives were clearly articulated, and a stellar longlist of architectural teams proposed and agreed. The wider senior team were engaged and all of this was successfully integrated with other areas of the business.
Facilitated by Sarah, a number of workshops and meetings with the senior team established and help shape the vision, objectives and the detail of what would be required. Each facet of the portfolio was analysed in terms of sector and its particular requirements such as food and beverage, retail, commercial, institutional and the arts. The co-ordination and challenges such as transport, digital infrastructure and climate change, were a critical part in developing the brief.
All information was assembled and drafted into a coherent procurement document in readiness to go out to the market. Budgets and programme were agreed and aligned with wider budgets. This is an important project for The Crown Estate and although on hold due to the pandemic, the client is hopeful it will recommence in early 2021.
“Sarah worked closely with our retailers, helping to select the right architect and advising and supporting both our customers and The Crown Estate throughout the process. Thanks to her advice, the result was a set of brilliant designs which garnered huge consumer and press attention, not to mention a set of very happy customers. I would absolutely recommend Sarah to any client—her diplomacy, tenacity and expertise was key to making these collaborations between the worlds of retail and architecture work, and she was a gem to work with!”